Ash Wednesday 2021 Worship Service
/The 3 Presbyterian Churches (USA) that reside in the city of Livonia, Michigan, collaborated on this year's Ash Wednesday service. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, when Christians all over the world spend these days leading up to Easter as a time for reflection, repentance, fasting and prayer. Join us in this evening's worship service as we give thanks to God for this time of wilderness travels as make our way to our Savior's resurrection!
Prelude - "There is a Balm in Gilead" by Jay Rouse
Musical Reflection - "I Surrender" by Matt Crocker
Special Music - "Christ Beside Me" by Tom Fettke
Postlude - "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me" by Anthony Giamanco
We own the streaming rights to A Lenten Reflection: Ash Wednesday video by The Skit Guys
CCLI# 1636329